Throughout history, Beaufort has always been an important seaport for whalers, fisherman, merchants and even pirates. In fact, the notorious pirate Blackbeard and his crew spent quite a bit of time in Beaufort, and their legacy still remains in the form of the many legends and ghost stories that are still told. The Beaufort Ghost Walk takes visitors to The Hammock House, a mysterious 300 year old house once frequented by Blackbeard and reportedly home to the ghosts of some of his victims.
Another major attraction is the Beaufort Historic District, which is home to over 100 beautifully restored Historic Homes from the 18th and 19th Century. The Old Burying Ground is a 300-year old cemetery located in the heart of the Historic District. It's live oak shaded graves are hauntingly beautiful windows into the past. Among the azaleas and resurrection fern are the final resting places of the town's earliest residents, including soldiers from the American Revolution and the Civil War. Many a relaxing afternoon has been spent walking the elegantly shaded sidewalks of the Historic District, retracing the steps of history, architecture and legend.
And if all that’s not enough, Beaufort is the perfect place to begin exploring the Cape Lookout National Seashore, home to the 169-foot Cape Lookout Lighthouse and the famous Wild Horses of Shackleford Banks. Descendants of Horses that were brought here almost 500 years ago, a herd of over 120 Horses still remains on the islands surrounding Beaufort, and they can often be seen right from the Beaufort Waterfront while they graze on the islands of the nearby Rachel Carson Estuarine Reserve.
In Beaufort, you and your family will find exciting and fun things to do, beautiful scenery, amazing wildlife, great shopping, excellent restaurants, and a rare chance to step back into history.